Define more precise search queries to get better results
Whether you're in search for license plates, phone numbers, email addresses, VINs, or URLs, you can elevate your investigative capabilities by conducting precise searches using various parameters. Simply employ the appropriate prefix, as demonstrated in the examples:
For license plate: plate:ZH48609
For phone number: phone:+315551234
For email address:
For VIN number: vin:1HGCM82633A123456
URL search:
You can also use quotation to search for the exact phrase and find results specifically about (for example) red cars, excluding variations like car with red interior.
Exact match: "red car"
And if you're searching for a specific file and already know its name, simply type it in.
File name search: dream-car-pic.jpg
Additionally you can also search specifically for profile names or profile URL's
For profile name: profile_name:" Test Profile"
For profile URL: profile_url:https://testprofile.html