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  2. Privacy and Compliance

Cookie Policy for Customers and Users

Legentic Platform (app.legentic.com or app.na.legentic.com) stores cookies on your computer or your device.

A cookie (small information files/text files) is not harmful and may not contain viruses or programs.

What we use the cookie information for

As of today Legentic uses cookies for the following purposes:

Authenticating users to access - Auth0

Auth0 is a leading Identity and Access Management platform. We use Auth0 cookies to help us ensure the security and integrity of your user session. The information cannot be traced back to individuals.

The types of cookies we may use include:

  • Authentication cookies: These cookies are necessary to authenticate your identity and enable secure access to our services. They allow you to log in, maintain your session, and access restricted areas.

  • Security cookies: These cookies are essential for security reasons and help us prevent fraudulent activities and protect your account.

Read more about Auth0 Cookies.

Support and help pages - Hubspot

Hubspot is a knowledge base and support ticket system. We use Hubspot to host our Knowledge base and also for a widget in the platform to offer a chat feature where users can ask questions. The information cannot be traced back to individuals.

The types of cookies we may use include:

  • Knowledge base cookies: These cookies are necessary to track your usage of the help pages.
  • Support widget cookies: These cookies are necessary to use the support widget and track contact handles.

Read more about Hubspot Cookies.

Website statistics - Hotjar

Hotjar is a tool which translates website analytics into insights on website usage. We use Hotjar for heatmap purposes and session recordings. The information cannot be traced back to individuals. 

The types of cookies we may use include:

  • User related cookies: These cookies are necessary to identify unique users, the information cannot be traced back to individuals and is not shared over websites.
  • Session cookies: These cookies are necessary to track the actions of the user during the session. 
  • Recording cookies: These cookies are necessary to manage session recordings of user behaviour. Recordings are anonymized so action search and browsing actions cannot be tracked.

Read more about Hotjar Cookies

If you choose not to accept Cookies

It is your choice to agree that app.legentic.com and the services we use can store cookies on your device. If you do not accept the use of cookies, you must change your browser settings. If you use multiple browsers or multiple devices, be sure to change the settings in each browser.
