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Cookie Policy website

The Cookie Policy for our legentic.com website

By accepting the use of cookies when entering  the website Legentic.com, cookies will be stored on your computer or your device. 

A cookie (small information files/text files) is not harmful and may not contain viruses or programs.

What we use the cookie information for

As of today Legentic uses cookies for the following purposes:

  • Targeting an audience for the purpose of marketing our services and to connect with people who previously interacted with our website.
  • Be able to analyse the use of our website to maintain and improve the experience of visiting Legentic.com

Google Analytics and Google Marketing Platform

We use Google Analytics to gather information about how users use the website, how they find it, what they search for and which pages are most used. The information cannot be traced back to individuals.

Google Analytics stores parts of users' IP addresses, but the last octet of the address has been removed for privacy reasons. Google therefore does not store detailed geographic information about users, only a wider geographic area like country or region.

The information stored by Google is subject to Google Privacy Policy

We use Google Marketing Platform to help us to better advertising towards our customers and visitors to our website

Read more about Google Marketing Platform

Facebook Pixels

We use Facebook Pixels to measure the effectiveness of our advertising by understanding the actions people take on our website.

Read more about Facebook Pixel.

LinkedIn Insight Tag

We use LinkedIn Insight Tag to optimize our campaigns, retarget our website visitors, and learn more about our audience.

Read more about LinkedIn Insights Tag.


We use Hubspot as our primary system for campaigns, website and knowledge base. 

Read more about Hubspot cookies.

If you choose not to accept Cookies

It is your choice to agree that Legentic.com and the services we use can store cookies on your device. If you do not accept the use of cookies, you must change your browser settings. If you use multiple browsers or multiple devices, be sure to change the settings in each browser.

Cookies on our website







2 Years

This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider because of their rate limiting policies. It expires at the end of the session. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies. 


2 Years

This cookie is set by HubSpot's CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection. It expires in 30 minutes. Learn more about Cloudflare
