Create a Case

The primary use of the Sjerlok Case Management (API) is creating cases.

Similar to the getting started setup, sending case information is passed through the request body (at a minimum the mandatory fields).

Mandatory data processing

Our API will parse and extract information from this mandatory data. There are a few common failure modes:

  • If mandatory data is missing the API returns a 400 status code with the appropriate message that the missing field is mandatory.

  • If category is not in the data, we try to determine it from object_data__make and object_data__model

  • If object_data__model is not in the data, we try to determine it from object_data__make, because sometimes the client sends all the details about make, model, version in object_data__make

Mandatory data can be gleaned from our Data Dictionary

Additional data processing

Next, the system processes the non-mandatory data. Here too, we have some common feedback occurrences:

  • If some of the data cannot be interpreted, it is considered invalid data and is sent to customer service via email.

  • If there is no invalid data, but the data cannot be transformed into a case with some unknown errors, all the data is sent to customer service via email.

  • The customer service receives the mail with all the data or the invalid data and tries to manually save it into a case.

Data Enrichment

Additional fields with default values are added to the data so we can save the data into a case:

1'tracking_systems': [], 
2'department': None,
3'discovery_type': None,
4'insurance_type': None,
5'service': None,
6'discovery_country': None,
7'search_strategy': CaseSearchStrategy.DEFAULT,
8'status': CaseStatusType.DRAFT,
Note that: 

Note that: the invalid data is also saved in the case notes for further manual processing. If either one of object_owner__email or object_owner__phone_number is invalid, it is not saved into case notes for GDPR reasons. But it is sent to customer service for manual processing. Also note that: we do not save theft_report_number and disappear_city at the moment.

Finally, the data is transformed into a case by the system.

Steps (overview)

  1. Send (mandatory) data in request body 
  2. Data extraction and processing
    1. Mandatory data processing
    2. Additional data processing
  3. Additional fields are added to enrich the case.

Best practices

1. If you have the VIN of the object at hand, please send it together with the license plate.
- The VIN is a unique identifier that is essential in the search process. Sometimes our SIU team can obtain the VIN number based on the license plate using some online platforms, but that's not always possible. If you already have that information, it will help us a lot.

2. Choosing the right category.
- If the cases we receive are from various categories (e.g., cars, motorcycles or machinery). Here are the valid options that you can choose from: cars, motorcycles, vans, trucks, semi_trailer_trucks, motorhomes, semi_trailers, and trailers.
- Make and model cannot be identified when the case is having the wrong category. We can offer support in choosing the right category. 

3. Prefix the object owner's phone number with the country code.
Phone numbers without country codes are not validated if they don't have the country code prefix. We need you to add the country code to the phone numbers to consider them valid.