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End-User License Agreement


This End-User License Agreement (“Agreement”) provides the rights and duties and otherwise governs the terms of use of the Product as described below. Please read this Agreement carefully. For the purposes of this Agreement, the Product means the Legentic Platform services delivered online as a SaaS by Legentic, including upgrades and updates that We may provide. Where the words "We", "Us" or "Our" are used on Our website, in Our Product or in this Agreement, this refers to Legentic, a limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Norway, bearing the Norwegian organization no. 996 414 914 or an affiliated company within its group of companies. The Access granted to you (“You” or “Your”) to use the Product is subject to these rights and to all the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. By accessing or using this Product, You agree to the terms of this Agreement.


You are granted a non-exclusive, non-perpetual, non-transferable and revocable right of Access consisting of a right to use the Product.

When authenticating to our service, You acknowledge that we store information according to our Cookie Policy.


You must exercise caution, good sense and sound judgment in using the Product. You must not use the Product in violation of any applicable law or other personal, privacy or legal rights, Our or any third party's Intellectual Property Rights or other proprietary rights, and You warrant not to use the information accessible through the Product for private use or any other purposes than, at the behest of Your employer (i.e. the Client). You warrant that You will not share Your login details with anyone. Only You shall have access to Your user account. You warrant not to sell, rent, lease or otherwise charge for the Access or any information derived from such Product. You must not impersonate any individual or other entity or misrepresent Your identity, nor misrepresent Your affiliation with any other individual or other entity, while using the Product; You must not attempt to log into or attempt to log into a server or profile that You are not authorised to access or otherwise try to gain unauthorised access to Our Product, You may not assist or permit any persons in engaging in any of the prohibited activities described above. 

You may not log in using bots or other algorithms, create or spread spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl or scrape in connection with its use of the Deliverable or otherwise; Bots can only be used on Legentic Mohawk Automation.

You must not misuse Our Product by knowingly introducing viruses, Trojan horses, cryptos, malware, time bombs, cancelbots, corrupted files, worms and logic bombs or other material or computer programming routines or engines, or engage in conduct that could damage, disrupt or otherwise impair or interfere with a computer's functionality or the operation of the Product; 

You may not create or spread spam, phish, pharm, pretext, spider, crawl or scrape in connection with Your use of the Product or otherwise; 


For the purposes of this Agreement, the term “Intellectual Property Rights” shall mean all rights, privileges and priorities, including without limitation: any copyright, copyrightable works, database rights and related items, rights in designs, domains names, trade secrets, trademarks, service marks, reports, software, utility certificates, utility models, patents, patent applications, know-how, wholly or partly developed, and/or used and/or owned by Us or a third party. You agree and acknowledge that We are the sole owners of any and all Intellectual Property Rights in and to our Product and that We do not grant to You by implication, estoppels nor otherwise any right, title, license, interest or other ownership rights in any of Our Intellectual Property Rights or Confidential Information. You may not modify, adapt, tamper with, translate, or create derivative works of the Product or the Intellectual Property Rights or combine or merge any part of the Product with or into any other software or documentation or otherwise refer to or otherwise use the Product as part of any effort to develop software having any functional attributes, visual expressions, or other features similar to those of the Product or to compete with Us.


For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “Confidential Information” means any information relating to Us, Our properties or business, or information proprietary to a third party which We have provided service to.  

You expressly covenant and agree to not use, reveal, divulge or make, known directly or indirectly, any Confidential Information, without the express, prior and written approval of Us, and for as long as such information could be deemed to constitute Confidential Information. The duties of non-disclosure as stipulated in this clause shall survive this Agreement without expiry.  


Unless otherwise agreed, the Product is provided “as is” and We make no representations or warranties, and We disclaim all representations, warranties, and conditions, oral or written, express or implied, arising from course of dealing, course of performance, or usage in trade, or otherwise. 

We make no warranty, representation, or guarantee as to the Product’s use or performance and do not warrant, represent, or guarantee that the operation of the Product will be failsafe, uninterrupted, or free from errors or defects, unless otherwise agreed. By entering into this Agreement, You acknowledge that Your Access is derived from a third party who has entered into an agreement with Us. To the maximum extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, We disclaim any and all liability and responsibility for Your use of the Access. It is Your responsibility to regularly check for changes to this Agreement because they will be binding on You. 


You acknowledge that we collect information about your behavior as you are interacting with our Product. The information we collect includes your mouse movements, clicks, and scrolling behavior. The collected information is used to improve our Product’s usability and to create a better user experience. We might also collect feedback from our Product visitors, such as surveys and polls used to improve our Product and services. All feedback is anonymized. If you do not wish that we collect information about your behavior, you can opt-out by reaching out to your company administrator. 


Your use of the Product and this Agreement shall be governed and construed in all respects by, without regard to choice of law provisions, the laws of Norway. Any disputes shall be finally settled by Oslo District Court as the chosen venue.