Feb. 2024 - Messages window, updated user metrics and Marketplace icon

New method to communicate to all users, get insights in platform usage for admins and newly added tag.

For a second update this year we are bringing more major updates to the platform to improve the experience and added more insights for admins.

What’s included?

The update includes some new and some improved features. 

  1. Messages and Notifications
  2. User metrics
  3. Marketplace icon / tag

1. Messages and Notifications

The most noticeable change to the platform is the messages panel which probably also led you to this page. The messages section of the Legentic Platform is a new way how we can notify the users on updates, developments but most of all important information.

By pressing the bell icon in the menu bar a separate section will open where you can review all messages. These updates can be on product releases or generic information relevant for investigations or other items. The number in the bell icon indicates the number of unread messages.


For the more important messages there is also a banner introduced in the platform where the information will be shown in an orange bar at the bottom of the screen. 

This banner will not be present much but is mainly there to inform all user on important changes. Such as new ways of logging in or major changes in the products. 

2. User metrics

We are proud to announce that for the admins of the Legentic Platform we now have user metrics. This will give the admins insight in usage of the platform. 

Initially there was one graph to show the number of users logging in on a day to day basis. Now we have added four more graphs to give insight in the usage of the platform by the users. We now have the following graphs:

  • Daily active users: Nr of logins on a day to day basis
  • Total searches with hitrate: The total number of searches made which also displays the number of results found
  • Total searches by user: The total number of searches performed per user
  • Total searches by identifier: This graph gives insight on how user's use the advanced search operators
  • PDF downloads: How many advertisements are converted into a PDF download.

On top of the graphs a time period can be selected to gain the insights over the given period of time.

3. Marketplace icon / tag

At Legentic we also enable the users to search through Facebook Marketplace advertisements. As this is an add-on to the regular dataset it is now more clearly represented within the results where the advertisement came from.

This will help the user to understand the value of the different data and act accordingly.