Getting started with the Claims API

How to connect to the Legentic Claims API

The Claims API allows users to seamlessly integrate Legentic data into their core processes, gaining quick insights in the value or abnormalities found on historic information. It enables users to quickly assess if a case needs to be investigated or follow-up questions need to be asked based on the input from the Claims API. The API returns rules found on the data, these rules are pre-configured in the Legentic platform. E.g. more then 5 advertisements have been found on the object in the past 6 months. This should enable the claim handler to assess the state of the object prior to the claim if that is relevant for handling the claim.


The Claim API needs to be enabled by Legentic, therefore reach out to your customer success manager to enable the service.

When the service is enabled you can Configure the API from the Integrations section in the Legentic Platform.

Quick start

The Claim API is documented under the Quick Start tab where you land if you press configure. Here you will find an elaborate description of the API combined with URL and different endpoints.

You can also test the request and response from within the platform. When you Authorise within the platform. Alternatively you will also be able to download the YAML file. 

In the quick start tab there is also an overview of the data fields that need to be shared over the API. Here the fields are listed with an example as well.


In the settings tab the admin can fine tune the fixed set of rules. This can be on number of found results within a time period or certain keywords that need to be found. Also the admin can indicate if the rule should trigger a "flag", "inform" or "ignore", in other words red, yellow and green grade of the rules.


Under the credentials tab you can create your own API key. The API key will be active immediately and ready to use for API communication.


The usage can be found in the last tab. There is a slight delay in the total number but it gives a good overview of how many requests have been made on the API.