Google passthrough: How it works and how to activate it for your company

Google passthrough integration in Legentic Platform

The Google passthrough integration in the Investigate module is a valuable feature that enhances your company’s search capabilities by leveraging Google's vast database. When enabled, Google results can appear for advanced searches (such as VIN, license plate, phone number, etc.). This integration ensures comprehensive search results by covering all publicly available data, especially when the Legentic database does not return any hits.

How it works

When the Google passthrough integration is enabled, Google results will appear (if there are any available) for searches conducted using hard identifiers in the Investigate module. However, this occurs only if there are no hits from the Legentic database. This ensures that your search is complete and includes all publicly available data when the Legentic database returns no results.

Enabling Google passthrough

Google passthrough integration is not enabled by default. To activate this feature, company admin users must enable it in the company settings page. Here’s how to do it:

  • Go to the settings page

  • Locate the option “Google Ads Access” and toggle it on. Click the "Save changes" button that appears, and you are done; all users in your company can now use this feature.

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