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Terms and Conditions

Overview of the Legentic Terms and Conditions


These Terms of Use regulate the rights and obligations between Legentic and the Client and are accepted and have binding effect as of the Effective Date. It is explicitly agreed and understood that any standard terms of the Client are waived and shall not apply between the Parties.

Legentic and the Client may each be referred to as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.


In the Agreement, the following words and expressions shall have the following meaning unless the context otherwise requires:

"Order Form" means the form filled out in order to initiate the subscription from https://app.legentic.com/signup or https://signup.legentic.com/.

“Agreement" means the Order Form, these Terms and all other Schedules listed in the Order.

“Affiliate" means, a company which is either directly or indirectly owned or controlled by a Party, or is under the common direct or indirect ownership or control of that Party or which directly or indirectly owns or controls that Party, but only for so long as such ownership or control exists, and “control” for the purpose of this definition, shall mean direct or indirect ownership of more than 50% of the issued voting equity share capital;

“Client” means the client entity specified in the Order Form.

"Client data” means the digital data, text, images, audio, video, form entries, clicks or similar content provided by the Client or its users for use with the Solution.

"Confidential information" means all any and all information disclosed, furnished or communicated (whether orally or in writing, text, drawings, photographs, graphics, designs, plans or any other form whatsoever) by or on behalf of a Party to the other Party, hereunder information concerning or belonging to the disclosing Party, its properties or business, or information proprietary to a Third Party, including, but not limited to, the goodwill of any business symbolised thereby, technical information, financial data, product and service costs, prices, profits and sales, client or employee relationships and any intellectual property rights or any other confidential information or proprietary aspects of the business of the disclosing Party, including any information which the receiving Party has reason to believe to be Confidential Information, or which the disclosing Party treats as being Confidential Information.

“Contract Term” means the initial term specified in the Order Form during which the Agreement may not be terminated.

“Effective Date” means the last signature date of the relevant Order Form.

“Fees” means all fees for the Solution as set forth in the relevant Order Form.

“Intellectual Property Rights” means all rights, privileges and priorities provided under applicable supranational, national, federal, state or local law, rule, regulation, statute, ordinance, order, judgement, decree, permit, franchise, licence, or other government restriction or requirement of any kind relating to intellectual property, whether registered or unregistered, in any country, including without limitation: the Solution, any copyright, copyrightable works, database rights and related items, rights in designs, domains names, trade secrets, trademarks, service marks, domain names, rights in get-up, rights in goodwill or to sue for passing off, unfair competition rights, moral rights, inventions, software, utility certificates, utility models, patents, patent applications (including any patent that in the future may be issued in connection therewith and all divisions, combinations, continuations, continuations-in-part, extensions, additions, registrations, confirmations, re-examinations, supplementary protection certificates, renewals or reissues thereto or thereof), rights in Confidential Information (including know-how and trade secrets) and any other intellectual property right or proprietary right recognised in any country or jurisdiction in the world, whether registered or not, and whether in existence as of the Effective Date or arising or recognised thereafter and all applications and registrations thereof, whether wholly or partly developed, and/or used and/or owned by a Party.

“Legentic” means the Legentic entity specified in the Order Form.

“Order Form” means the Legentic ordering document that identifies the specific Client and Solution ordered by the Client, which both Parties have signed.

"Personal Data” shall have the meaning set out in Article 4 (1) of the GDPR.

“Solution” means the underlying technology, design and other intellectual property rights of Legentic’s solution as specified in the Order Form.

"Term" means the period from the Effective Date and until expiry of the Agreement or the termination by either Party thereof.

“Terms” means these Terms of Use.

“Third Party” means a party other than the Parties to the Agreement.


The Solution is delivered as a service (Software as a Service) by e-mail or the interface described in the order form. The content of the Solution is further described in the order form.

The Solution shall be used by and for the benefit of the Client solely for the prevention and detection of criminal activity, and/or establishing real market value of insurance objects.

The Client is obligated to limit the access to the Solutions to users. Only named persons shall have access to a user account, with one person per user account. The Client shall ensure that access to user accounts entail the use of a unique username and password, where the username is traceable to a specific and named person within Client’s organisation. 

The Client is responsible for obtaining, installing and maintaining usable browser software and operating systems in order to be able to use the Solution. The Client is also responsible for establishing and maintaining connection to the internet and thus to the servers associated with Legentic.

Legentic will continuously and at its sole discretion change and update the functionality of the Solution, including modifying or removing features that Legentic considers it necessary to generally deliver the best possible service to its clients. It is Legentic who at all times determines which features meet this requirement, as long as the changes do not deprive the Client of material functions. Such changes do not imply any restrictions or changes in the Client’s obligations to Legentic, nor does it entitle the Client to any remedies for breach of contract. Legentic will endeavour to notify the Client of any material changes.


Unless otherwise stated in the Order Form, the Fees are quoted in Norwegian kroner (NOK).

All prices and charges are exclusive of any applicable value added tax or excise duties. If the Client is required to deduct or withhold any tax or duty, the Client must pay the amount deducted or withheld as required by law and pay Legentic an additional amount so that Legentic receives payment of the Fees in full as if there were no deduction or withholding.

Fees are non-refundable, unless otherwise expressly agreed.

Unless otherwise agreed in the Order Form, payment shall be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the invoice date. The time of payment shall be of the essence. Legentic shall bear any costs that the delivery of an electronic invoice may entail.

Legentic retains the right to adjust the Fees annually due to inflation, currency fluctuations, changes in excise duties, changes in subcontractors’ prices, increase in the retail price index (the main index) of Statistics Norway (with the initial reference index value being the index value for the month in which the Agreement was formed) and increased cloud costs outside of Legentic’s control, with 30 days prior written notice. Irrespective, and in addition to the above, Legentic retains the right to increase the Fees by three (3) per cent per year after the first year of the Term. Said changes in pricing will not have retroactive effect.

If the Client gains control over or otherwise acquires other clients of Legentic and has the intention of terminating the applicable agreement between such client and Legentic, the Client agrees to accept a Fee increase for this Agreement corresponding with any fees applicable for the terminated agreement. 

If the Fees is not paid within the due date, Legentic may block access to the Solution and charge the Client interest at lowest of four (4) per cent per month or the maximum legal rate permissible pursuant to applicable law. Any suspension by Legentic of the Solution shall not relieve the Client of its payment obligations and Legentic shall not be held liable for any loss and/or damage suffered by the Client as a result of such suspension.


The Agreement enters into force at the Effective Date and the Agreement shall be valid for the Contract Term. 

Upon expiry of the Initial Term, the Agreement will automatically renew for a succeeding term unless the Agreement is terminated in writing by either party prior to the renewal date. 


The Client shall retain all rights to the Client Data.

Legentic shall only use the Client Data in accordance with the Agreement and otherwise in order to fulfil its obligations to the Client and/or to exercise its rights under the Agreement.

Upon the expiry of the Term, the Client will not have access to the Solution and Legentic will permanently delete and destroy the Client Data. The Client is solely responsible for ensuring that it has the necessary backups of the Client Data that it desires to retain when the Agreement is terminated.

The Client acknowledges that Legentic cannot guarantee the security of the Internet and the possibility of interception or corruption of Client Data transmitted from the Client to Legentic.

Nothing contained in the Agreement shall restrict Legentic’s right to collect, use, anonymise and analyse Client data, statistics and other non-personal information relating to the provision, use and performance of various aspects of the Solution for product improvement purposes only.


Each Party shall retain ownership of any Intellectual Property Rights that it has developed (including rights that have been developed on behalf of the Party), or that it independently develops (or is developed on its behalf).

Except as prescribed in the Agreement, neither Party grants to the other by implication, estoppels nor otherwise any right, title, licence, interest or other ownership rights in any of its Intellectual Property Rights or Confidential Information owned or controlled by the disclosing Party.

Subject to timely payment and adherence to the Terms, Legentic grants to the Client a non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable and limited right to use the Solution. The Client’s right of use is strictly limited to the use reasonably considered necessary for obtaining reasonable use of the Solution. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by Legentic.

The Client may not modify, enhance, improve, remove, delete, amend, augment, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Solution or attempt to discover its code and/or underlying structure, ideas or algorithms, nor rent, loan, lease, sell or otherwise transfer to or permit use by any Third Party or otherwise create or facilitate other products or services that are derived of the Solution.

Neither Party shall remove or otherwise alter any of the other Party’s trademarks, logos, copyrights, 

notices or other proprietary notices or indicia, if any, fixed or attached to Confidential Information, Intellectual Property Rights or any parts thereof.

Legentic encourages suggestions, recommendations, improvement or enhancement requests or other feedback regarding the Solution, including ideas for new promotions, products, technologies, concepts, know-how, techniques or processes. For the sake of avoiding any potential misunderstandings or disputes regarding ownership of such content matter, the Client acknowledges that Legentic will own all such content matter and hereby makes and/or undertakes to make all assignments and take all reasonable acts necessary to accomplish the foregoing assignment to and ownership by Legentic.

A Party shall immediately inform the other of an infringement or suspected infringement of the Agreement or the Party’s Intellectual Property Rights. The rights holding Party shall not be obliged to defend its rights. If, however, such Party decides to defend its rights the other Party shall, without any extra cost and at the request of the rights holding Party, give reasonable assistance for the purpose of contesting any claim or demand made or action brought against a Party.


The Parties agree to keep and procure to be kept strictly confidential all Confidential Information. Furthermore, Confidential Information shall not be used by the Parties for any purpose other than fulfilling its obligations under and complying with the Agreement.

The Parties shall only reveal Confidential Information to employees or other persons engaged to whom disclosure is necessary for them to perform their duties for the purpose of the Agreement and provided that they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.

The term “Confidential Information” shall not include any information which a Party can demonstrate by way of written records is:

Not unique to the disclosing Party and is known to the receiving Party prior to the date of the Agreement.

Becomes generally known other than through disclosure of confidential information by the receiving Party.

Disclosed to the receiving Party by a Third Party lawfully in possession thereof and without restriction on disclosure.

Independently developed by the receiving Party without breach of the Agreement.

Required to be disclosed by law or regulation or by proper order of a court of applicable jurisdiction.

At the expiry of the Agreement or at a Party’s request, the other Party shall promptly and within ten (10) business days return all documents and other embodiments of Confidential Information and all related materials and notes to disclosing Party and erase all electronic embodiments of Confidential Information and certify destruction thereof and make no further use of the Confidential Information thus received.


Legentic is a separate and independent data controller as defined by Article 4 (7) of the GDPR with respect to its processing of Personal Data as necessary in order to develop and maintain the Solution. 

The Client is a separate and independent data controller as defined by Article 4 (7) of the GDPR with respect to the Personal Data that it processes through their use of the Solution.

Legentic will act as a data processor on behalf of the Client as defined by Article 4 (8) of the GDPR for the Client’s processing of Personal Data through its use of the Solution. Such such processing shall be governed by the Parties’ data processing agreement included in the privacy policy.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, Legentic may use the name and logo of the Client during or after the expiry or termination of the Agreement.

Neither Party shall, at any time during the Term of the Agreement and thereafter, make statements or representations, or otherwise communicate, directly or indirectly, in writing, orally, or otherwise, or take any action which may, directly or indirectly, disparage the other Party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in the Agreement shall preclude a Party from making truthful statements that are required by applicable law, regulation or legal process.


Each Party warrants that it

has the full power and authority to enter into the Agreement and perform its obligations hereunder.

The Agreement is a legal and valid obligation binding upon it and enforceable according to its terms.

Its performance of the Agreement will not violate any agreement or obligation between it and a Third Party.

It will comply with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations applicable to its activities and performance under the Agreement.

The Solution is provided "as is" and to the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law and notwithstanding any conditions, warranties, express or implied by statute, common law, law of equity or otherwise, Legentic makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of usefulness, timeliness, reliability, completeness, accuracy, adequacy, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or likely results of the use of the Solution.

While Legentic will aim to provide the Client with uninterrupted use of the Solution, Legentic does not warrant that the use of the Solution will be uninterrupted or secure in excess of the service level commitment defined in Schedule 1, which shall be the Client’s sole and exclusive remedy and Legentic’s sole and exclusive obligations for any unavailability, non-performance or other failure to provide the Solution.


Legentic shall indemnify and hold the Client harmless from and against all losses, expenses, costs, claims (including reasonable legal fees), damages, liabilities, fines, actions, and proceedings brought against the Client by any Third Party arising out Legentic’s infringement of the intellectual property rights of any such Third Party.

Legentic shall have no obligations under Clause 12.1 to the extent any claim is based on:

The combination or use of the Solution with third party products not provided by Legentic, where the Solution would not otherwise itself be infringing.

The Client’s use of the Solution in violation of the Agreement or applicable law.

Use of the Solution after Legentic notifies the Client to discontinue such use because of a Third-Party claim.

Any claim regarding Client Data.

Modifications to the Solution made other than by Legentic (where the claim would not have arisen but for such modification).

If the Solution is held to infringe the rights of others, Legentic will, at its own expense and in its sole discretion, use commercially reasonable efforts either (a) to procure a licence that will protect the Client against such claim without cost to the Client; (b) to replace the Solution with non-infringing services; or (c) if (a) and (b) are not commercially feasible, terminate the Agreement.

The Client shall indemnify Legentic against any costs, claims, expenses (including reasonable legal costs), damages, liabilities, fines, actions, and proceedings arising out the Client’s breach or misuse of Legentic’s Intellectual Property Rights or the intellectual property rights of any Third Party.

In the event a claim is commenced against an indemnified Party, the indemnified Party shall (i) inform the indemnifying Party of such claim and continue to provide the indemnifying Party with all reasonable necessary assistance and information relating thereto, and shall take all necessary action to mitigate its damages with respect thereto; and (ii) give full power and authority to the indemnifying Party to respond to, conduct any negotiation regarding and control the defence of, any action regarding such claim on behalf of and in the name of the indemnifying Party or itself. The indemnifying shall be responsible for engaging counsel for such defence and shall bear the costs and expenses of the same (for the avoidance of doubt, the indemnified Party shall pay the costs and expenses of any separate counsel it elects to engage).

The indemnified Party shall not agree to any settlement, nor make any admission or take, or fail to take any action, in each case, where such admission, action or failure to act could reasonably be expected to prejudice the defence of a Third-Party claim.

Subject to adherence to Clause 12.2, 12.5 and 12.6, the indemnifying Party shall defend the Third-Party claim and reimburse the indemnified Party for all reasonable costs incurred by the indemnified Party in complying with this clause and any damages payable by the indemnified Party pursuant to a final and enforceable court decision or a settlement agreed to by the indemnifying Party with respect to the relevant claim.


Each Party shall provide all such information, data, documentation and equipment as may be reasonably required by the other Party to enable the other Party to meet its obligations under the Agreement. The Client shall provide all reasonable information to Legentic, including but not limited to the requirements and needs that the Client might have, relating to the Agreement.

If the Solution cannot be delivered as agreed, Legentic shall give the Client written notice thereof as soon as possible. The notice shall specify the reason for the problem and, insofar as it is possible, when performance can take place.

The Parties has the right to rectify breaches of Agreement if such rectification can be performed without material disadvantage to the other Party.

In the event of a material breach, the other Party may terminate the Agreement subject to 30 dayswritten notice, detailing the nature of the breach and stating that the Agreement will be terminated unless the breach is remedied within thirty (30) days.


Neither Party will be liable to the other for loss of profits or for any special, indirect, incidental, reliance, exemplary, punitive or consequential damages, including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, loss of goodwill, business interruption, loss of business information and/or data, howsoever caused and whether arising under contract, tort (including liability for negligence or breach of statutory duty), negligence, or other theory of liability arising out of the Agreement or out of the use of or inability to use the Solution, even if such Party, or its employees, officers, directors, agents or Affiliates have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Neither Party’s liability for damages, whether resulting from contract or tort (including liability for negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise, shall under any circumstances exceed the aggregated Fees (excl. VAT) invoiced by Legentic during the Term of the Agreement.

The limitations contained in this clause shall not apply to violations of Clause 7 and 8, the indemnifications in Clause 12 or where a Party has acted grossly negligent or with wilful intent.

In no event shall a Party’s directors, officers, board members or employees have any liability under the Agreement for any losses, expenses, costs, claims, damages, liabilities, fines, actions, and proceedings, howsoever caused and whether arising under contract, tort (including liability for negligence or breach of statutory duty), negligence, or other theory of liability arising out of the Agreement or out of the use of or inability to use the Solution, even if these directors, officers, board members or employees have been advised of the possibility of such liability.

Unless otherwise prescribed by law, any claim or cause of action a Party may have with respect to the other Party must be commenced within three (3) months after the Party became aware or should have become aware of the claim or cause of action.

The rights and obligations agreed herein reflect the Parties’ allocation of risk and the limitation of liability arising therefrom.


Any invoice, correspondence and notice required to be given under the Agreement shall be in writing and in Norwegian, Danish, Swedish or English and may be given by e-mail addressed to that Party at the address set out in the Order Form. Notice given by e-mail transmission shall be deemed to be served immediately provided that, in the case of a notice by email, the sender has received confirmation of successful transmission. 


The Client is solely responsible for compliance with its own legal requirements, and for determining whether it can utilise the Solution in accordance with applicable law. 

The Client warrants that in carrying out its obligations under the Agreement it will not breach applicable law or do or omit to do anything that might cause Legentic to be in breach of the same.


The Client may not assign or otherwise transfer in whole or in part, voluntarily or involuntarily, or by operation of law, the Agreement or the duties or rights therein, without the prior written approval of Legentic, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. Any assignment by the Client without such approval shall be deemed to constitute a violation of the Agreement, and its content shall be void.

Legentic may transfer its rights and duties under the Agreement to a Third Party if the assigned party, at the time of the assignment, is financially and technically capable of performing the obligations of Legentic under the Agreement, and that the assigned party expressly assumes and agrees to perform such aforementioned obligations.


Except for the obligation to make payments, the non-performance of either Party’s obligations shall be excused to the extent such performance is prevented by unforeseen circumstances beyond the Parties’ control. In the event of a force majeure event, the Parties’ obligations will be suspended for the duration of the event contingent on the Party claiming Force Majeure notifying the other Party without undue delay after having been made aware of the event.

Each Party may terminate the Agreement if a substantial part of its performance is prevented for more than 60 days. In the event of such termination, the Client shall pay the agreed price for the part of the Solution that was contractually delivered before the termination of the Agreement.


Legentic may change these Terms with three weeks’ notice placed by email. The change will take effect from the expiry of the notice period. If the Client does not accept the change, the Client shall be entitled, within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date the email was sent, provided that the changes have a material adverse effect on the Client, to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. Where the Agreement is not terminated by the Client within the aforementioned time, the Client shall be deemed to have accepted the new terms and conditions of the Agreement.

If any provision of the Agreement is held by court of competent jurisdiction or other competent authority to be void, voidable or unenforceable in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of the Agreement and the remainder of the provision in question shall not be affected. The provision being rendered void, voidable or unenforceable shall be interpreted or replaced by a provision aiming to achieve the purpose of the original provision.

The Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous proposals, understandings, representations, warranties, covenants, and any other communications (whether written or oral) between the Parties relating thereto and is binding upon the Parties and their permitted successors and assigns.

Nothing contained in the Agreement is intended or shall be construed to confer upon any Third Party any rights, benefits or remedies of any kind or character whatsoever, or to create any obligation of a Party to any such person.

No failure or delay by a Party in exercising any right, power or privilege under the Agreement, and no course of dealing between the Parties hereto, will operate as a waiver thereof, nor will any single or partial exercise thereof preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any right, power or privilege under the Agreement.

Nothing herein contained shall constitute a partnership between or joint venture by the Parties hereto or constitute any Party the agent of the other.

Those clauses of the Agreement which, based on their nature are meant to survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement, shall survive such expiration or termination. This includes, without limitation, all terms of the Agreement pertaining to Intellectual Property Rights or terms requiring the Client to pay any fees for the Solution provided prior to the time of expiration or termination and all other provisions of the Agreement that by their nature are intended to survive the expiration or termination of the Agreement.

The Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Norway, without regard to its choice of law principles. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the Agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be brought before Oslo District Court as the agreed venue, unless otherwise specified in the Order Form and except that Legentic may, at its own option, bring suit for collection in the country where the Client is located.


If agreed in the Order Form, the Agreement can be signed by electronic signature. Each Party agrees that the electronic signatures of the Parties in Docusign, Hubspot or any other digital contract solution used to enter into the Order Form are intended to authenticate this in writing and to have the same force and effect as manual signatures of such Party and shall be effective to bind such Party to the Agreement.

The Parties agree that an Order Form entered into through digital contract solutions shall be deemed: (a) to be ”written” or ”in writing”; (b) to have been signed, and (c) to constitute a record established and maintained in the ordinary course of business and an original written record when printed from electronic files. Such paper copies or ”printouts,” if introduced as evidence in any judicial, arbitral, mediation or administrative proceeding, will be admissible as between the Parties to the same extent and under the same conditions as other original business records created and maintained in documentary form. Neither Party shall contest the admissibility of true and accurate copies of an Order Form signed with a digital contract solution based on the best evidence rule or as not satisfying the business records exception to the hearsay rule.