Insights how the platform is used by your users
User metrics provide Admin users with valuable insights into how the Legentic Platform is being utilized. This feature presents a visual overview through graphs, highlighting the actions and behaviors of users within the platform.
By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, users can zoom in on the graph to view additional details. Additionally, users have the option to download a .csv file from the Total searches by user graph.
These graphs include:
- Daily active users: number of logins on a day-to-day basis
- Total searches with hitrate: The total number of searches made, which also displays the number of results found. The red line displays the percentage. The bars show the total number of searches and the number of searches which have delivered one or more results.
- Total searches by user: The total number of searches performed per user in the selected time period. Users have the ability to sort the table by clicking on the header name, and they can also download a .csv file directly from this graph.
- Total searches by identifier: This graph gives insight on how user's use the advanced search operators. Free search is when the user just types something in the search bar to investigate. The other identifiers are there when the user is using advanced search operators such as plate or phone.
- PDF downloads: How many advertisements are converted into a PDF download. (note the PDF downloads have been logged since the end of feb 2024.)
On top of the graphs, a time period can be selected to gain insights over the given period of time.